Establishing your workout time is one of the most important factors in remaining consistent. This is different for everyone. Some people prefer to get their exercise in bright and early before they head to work. Others prefer going immediately after the work day has finished. Then there are those that go in the evening after dinner and the day has settled down. If you have joined a 24 hour gym, you also have the option of going in the middle of the night.

Regardless of when you go to the gym, you must make sure you go. It is all too easy to say, “I’ll go after at the next commercial” or “I’m too tired to work out today”. These excuses are just that, excuses. One must be fully dedicated to the program or they risk failure. One way to avoid this is by having a workout partner.

Working out with someone motivates you to not only get to the gym, but push yourself harder than before. It is easy to let yourself down and not go but knowing that someone is else is going to be there waiting for you is often the motivation one needs to overcome one of the hard days. Talk to your significant other about being a workout buddy. You can work out together or separately, the important part is motivating each to get out there. Talking about goals with your workout partner can also aid in the motivation process.

Goals can be a number of things. Maybe you want to run a 6 minute mile. Perhaps you want to bench press 225lbs. You may be looking to achieve some washboard abs. Regardless of the goal; tracking one’s progress is a motivational key. Perhaps at week one you are running a 10 minute mile. Try running a single mile again at 3 weeks and see what progress you have made. Keep building off of this each week knowing that you are getting stronger after each workout.

What happens when you achieve your goal? It is definitely not the end but only a new beginning. You have two options: set a new goal or tell yourself you are going to maintain what you are currently doing to stay at that level.